SYNLawn Austin is one of North America’s top backyard putting greens manufacturers and installers in Texas. Our products are made right at home in the USA using industry-leading technology and environmentally-friendly bio-based materials. That is just one of the reasons why customers trust SYNLawn Austin for high-quality backyard putting greens.
Austin is one of Texas’ most popular golfing destinations in the USA. The city’s undulating hills and numerous ponds provide the ideal golfing terrain. Unsurprisingly, several of Texas’ most recognizable golf courses are located here.
As the popularity of golf rises, the installation of artificial backyard putting greens for home use has increased significantly. This has been primarily fueled by the numerous benefits and advantages of artificial turf, including its overall visual appeal, longevity, ease of care, and eco-friendliness. Let’s examine these features and benefits in more detail.
Why Choose SYNLawn Austin Backyard Putting Greens
Play At Your Convenience
Golfers understand that to excel, a significant amount of time must be devoted to practice. This typically entails scheduling practice sessions at local golf courses. Not only is this pricey, but it is also time-consuming. Installing our distinctive synthetic backyard putting greens is the answer. With our synthetic surfaces, you have no restrictions on when you can play or practice.
Save Time And Money
Depending on the particular golf course, memberships can cost thousands of dollars a year. This does not include the cost of equipment and gasoline to commute. With our artificial turf, you can cut down on the cost of golf course memberships.
Benefits Of Installing Our Synthetic Backyard Putting Greens
Does Not Need To Be Watered
According to environmental experts, just 1% of the world’s water resources are safe for human consumption. That makes water a scarce resource that needs to be conserved. But new data from the EPA shows that U.S. households use approximately 55 gallons of water per square foot of lawn. This number is even higher during the summer months or when water sprinklers are left all day.
Unmitigated water usage not only affects the ecosystem, but it also puts a strain on your wallet. A practical solution is to install our synthetic backyard putting greens. Our turf remains perfectly immaculate without any need for water. By installing our artificial turf, you can conserve water and reduce your water bill simultaneously.
Minimal Maintenance
Natural backyard grass lawns require a tremendous amount of maintenance to remain pristine. This is especially true during rainy months when weeds tend to sprout much faster. Furthermore, local housing associations demand homeowners maintain their lawns in immaculate condition to meet their stringent rules. This naturally means ongoing landscaping contracts for most homes in addition to the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other weed killers. It is also not uncommon for many homeowners to chip in and perform the same routine landscaping chores in addition to what the contractors do.
Our artificial backyard putting greens do not require any ongoing maintenance. The turf is made with ultra-durable and weather-resistant materials which retain their luxurious luster all year long regardless of usage or season.
Environmentally Friendly
Natural grass lawns rely on chemical items such as fertilizers and insecticides to combat fungus and improve general health. However, new research demonstrates that toxins from these compounds ultimately end up in the soil, vegetation, and even drinking water, despite being labeled as safe. Furthermore, using fossil fuels (gasoline or diesel) in lawn mowing equipment contributes to environmental pollution by increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere.
SYNLawn’s synthetic turf is made using bio-based materials, including soybean oil and sugar cane, as well as consumer-friendly chemicals like antimicrobials. The turf is not only recyclable, but it also does not require any ongoing chemical additives to maintain its spectacular luster. Furthermore, because lawn equipment isn’t necessary, carbon emissions are not an issue.
Browse our incredible selection of high-quality products to find the right synthetic turf for your needs.